Hard AI was a great addition, and this is a great game. Thanks for bringing it to mobile!
Hard AI was a great addition, and this is a great game. Thanks for bringing it to mobile!
Good implementation, the AI is much more challenging now as well.
Love this app. So well done. And good updates.
I am enjoying it.
Theres a lot to like about this app - the implementation of the game itself is clean and the graphics are great. But the single-player AI is atrociously bad and online play is still broken. Games hang or get suddenly cancelled without warning, and all game notifications are still sent out in Polish. It needs a bit more work.
I have played the cardboard version only a handful of times. The graphics, player flow, and in-play tutorials combine to make this a first-class port of an excellent game. Wait. I want to talk about my favorite feature in this game. When I want to build something, this game helpfully highlights allowed moves. But sometimes Im convinced that the move I want to make is legal. So I attempt it, and the game shows a modal explaining what I need to be able to build there. This is something I wish more games would build, and is the one thing that delights me the most about Brass. The AI is sufficiently good enough for new players, but will probably not challenge experienced players. I hope rather than complaining, that the experienced players contact the developers with suggestions on what to improve. This is not perfect, but Im giving it 5 stars because they got so much of the basics right and I want to encourage the developers to continue working on improvements. Well done!
Ive been enjoying this game for a while and after the latest update fixed a couple annoying things about the game I thought it was time to come write a review. This is a very sleek and polished app. It has a reasonably low level of bugs (I only lost one online game to a bug and I think that issue has been fixed). If your looking for an economic/business themed board game with deep and varied strategy- and only a moderate level of luck- then youve found what youre looking for. I hate it when I buy a board game or strategy app and find there is no online community. This game has a good community when it comes to playing a game over a few days via notifications. Its rare to be able to log in and play a quick game. But it seems the number of players has grown over the past month or so, so Im hopefully it will eventually get a large enough player base to support this.
This app is great. It looks great and works great. But the instruction manual is rife with formatting errors. Tons of spaces are missing between words. Fix it and this will be perfect!
This is a fantastic port of a great game. It is relatively complex at first, but the tutorial along with a few YouTube videos will have you up and running in no time. Of all the board games that I have purchased on iOS this has got to be one of the best - probably tied with Agricola. If you enjoy board games and arent afraid to take a bit of time to learn you will be well rewarded!
I love the boardgame, and this is as good a port as we can ask. Nice graphics, excellent interface. The AI could be better, it is a little bit too easy. But it lets you try new strategies and it is challenging enough to have fun. The best is the multiplayer gaming. A lot of fun!!
Brass. The magic of supply and demand. Gorgeous graphics, smooth play. All you need is to exercise your brain to outsmart the other players.
Im so glad they did Brass (one of my few perfect 10-rated games) and not Age of Industry (some would say the watered-down version of Brass). The interface is awesome and so is the tutorial. The AI is the only thing Im dinging one star for, as its not terribly strong at the moment. But I have high hopes they will be improving it as time goes on. For anyone who wants to play one of the heavy-hitter board games on their iPad get this!
Good implementation of a great and classic board game. Crashes about 8-10 times per game on my iPad 2 which makes things quite annoying.
Its bored game
Brass is one of my all-time favorite games. But the AI in this implementation is poor.
Excellent implementation of an amazing board game. Brass experts may have to settle for optimising their scores against the fairly weak AI until the devs incorporate variable difficulty settings, but for everyone else this is a solid, polished and fun game.
This is an amazing board game. If you like economic strategy games, very few beat designs by Martin Wallace and this is one of his best. This conversion has a lot going for it. The interface and visuals are well presented and very rarely let you do anything you need to take back. Heres the downers: AI is absolutely dreadful. They focus completely on Cotton Mills and put themselves into a corner. Ive played games where most of the opponents are passing for both turns in several rounds!! You cant see how opponents have developed their stacks. This is critical when trying to anticipate moves especially regarding the shipyard. Minor gripe but end game is very abrupt and doesnt entertain you with animating through final scoring like it does at end of era 1. ultimately I hope this gets some more dev time
As far as iOS boardgames go, this is a very good implementation. The iOS version provides the user all the necessary information to make informed decisions in a concise, but accessible, fashion. But be aware… Brass is a fairly heavy economic game with oddities that need to be remember and can distract away from the gameplay. For this reason, it isn’t exactly easy to learn the game from the iOS version. For instance, many of the building counters develop in different ways (income, time period they can be built, etc). In the boardgame, players simply flip these over when they need to make an informed decision. In the iOS version, the information is bit fragmented… which can make the decision planning more difficult. Thus, i highly suggest new players to print off one of the many player-aids, available on BGG, that list the odd rules (Birkenhead “virtual” port, how iron/coal move differently etc) and contain a list of the buildings. Otherwise, I fear many players will feel loss.
One of the best games ever and good implementation. All it needs is a feature to invite friends not just random online folks.
An beautiful, excellent adaptation of one of my fave board games. A few problems: -AI is pretty single minded and easy to beat. -Need the ability to skip animations completely in single player. -Online is a mess. No penalty for dropping. Messy implementation. Havent had a game go to completion.